A collection of stories, anecdotes and other riff raff collected during my studies at Singapore.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Thinker...Talker...Doer...From one za to another..

In a few days our dear General Moy will be departing onto bigger things(just like his first blog post). Tan will be leaving us for a final term at the Univ of Washington.

Mate, your "subeh hui..." will always stay in our hearts. Here are a few interesting moments we had shared....

First of all how can we forget....Cisco Za...robin, Yours truly, Lin Aung Zaw(The original Za) and finally Tan.

Then onto greater things......Stretch dancing at the watering hole aka Grad hall...You could have put Prabhudeva to shame.....

Finally some more Grad Hall madness.....and this is before getting drunk....

To reprise an old line Moy.....To meet and to part is life.....To part and to meet is hope......So keep hoping. Its been a pleasure sharing your company.

DV za


Blogger Arun Nair said...

Pics taken by Arun
Posted by DVza,
Containing Mannza, DVza and Tanmoyza
So, who owns the content?

Mitr-za, come again?

1:50 PM

Blogger Tanmoy said...


Talk about 'the tip of the iceberg', and the countless other interesting moments we've had.

Most of all, I admire your eternal josh, and how you manage to stay calm through all kinds of situations.

May your passion and zest propell you towards your goals!

Here's to Hope!


5:51 PM


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