A collection of stories, anecdotes and other riff raff collected during my studies at Singapore.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Abrasive Humor

A little bit of an oxymoron isn't it. I don't understand how humor can be abrasive. Satire, I understand....Sarcasm.... also allowed as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Lampooning.....understandable. In fact these are some of the occupational hazards of being a celebrity.

But what about a situation where you make a joke out of the person such that its demeans the person in public. And just because the subject doesnot choose to react.......he/she is considered weak(???) or plain stupid. I just don't get that.

One should be able to take a joke - My personal belief......but how do you stop someone when the joke's gone too far. Of course you can always confront the person head on.....but then is that the best solution always........Not so sure about that. Then how do you stop such a person...if you are not equally witty. I have no idea..................I just ignore such people. If they get the idea, then fine......otherwise put on a pair of headphones...and switch on your MP3 palyer....to drown out the unwanted noise(an oxymoron again :-D).......

To me humor should be something that both parties enjoy......It has never struck me to use humor to hurt someone. Just my two bit. If anyone feels otherwise.....please do comment.


Blogger Gaurav said...

Whoever indulges in "abrasive humor" is being sadistic. No one has the right to demean another person and take pleasure in doing so. I welcome banter, satire or sarcasm done in good spirit sans malice. That's all I can say.

1:08 AM

Blogger AK said...

Like all things in life, humour too has a fine line of balance.

Taunting someone in the name of humour is like taking a walk on a mine field It might give you an adrenaline rush, but you gotta a remember that the next step might blow you up! ;)

10:04 AM

Blogger Mann Sahib said...

Kick the fuckers arse. GO for it. Don't bloody think about all this crap. Too useless and time consuming. Just stand up and give it back to him.If you cant give a smart reply, show him ur middle finger and if he asks for more, just split his balls into four. Thats poetry for you my friend. Though of course if you r referring to me, then u might as well show me the finger cos i dont fancy 4 balls :))

2:14 PM

Blogger Sandeep said...

Mann sahib, you are the right. But then I always thot of public scraps as kind of crude for someone at our age and maturity. But I guess in today's worl "turning the other cheek" just doesn't apply. Anyhow point taken.

3:46 PM


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